Annisa Pedia
A brief synopsis of a research article, presented before the main text to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s purpose.
Accept for publication
A decision on the review of a manuscript, where the manuscript will be published without changes/revisions.
Acceptance rate
The number of manuscripts accepted for publication compared to the total number of manuscripts submitted in certain time (generally in one year).
Accepted with major revision
A decision on the review of a manuscript, where the manuscript will be published if the writer makes significant improvements according to the reviewer's suggestion.
Accepted with minor revision
A decision on the review of a manuscript, where the manuscript will be published if the author makes minor improvements according to the reviewer's suggestion.
A notification, acknowledgment, statement in the form of an author's acknowledgment to those who have contributed to his paper.
Article in press
Articles that have been accepted for publication in a journal, but have not yet been given a volume and number published.
Article processing charge (APC)
A publisher’s fee for covering publishing costs such as those associated with editorial and peer-review processes.
Author guidelines
Guidelines for authors provided by a scientific journal.
Author of a scientific manuscript prepared for publication.
Blind Review
Policy review process by removing the author's identity on the manuscript, so reviewers will be more objective in reviewing the manuscript.
Citation Manager
Software that helps you keep track of your sources and generates bibliographies/ works cited pages. Examples include RefWorks, Zotero, Mendeley, and EndNote.
Citation metrics
Statistics collected on the number of times a research article has been cited by other research articles.
A reference to a published or unpublished source, embedded in the body of an academic text, for the purpose of acknowledging the relevance of the works of others concerning the topic being discussed.
Someone who collaborates, helps, or collaborates as an editor with another editor.
A formal meeting of a group of individuals or representatives of several bodies for the purpose of discussing topics and/or making joint decisions on developing issues.
Corresponding author
The author who (in addition to contributing to the technical content of the paper) is responsible for submitting the paper, managing all communication and correspondence regarding the paper, and handling revisions and re-submissions.
Cover letter
Letter for submission of manuscripts addressed to the editor in chief.
Date of acceptance
The date an article is accepted, after peer review, for publication by a journal.
Each version of an article and each peer review report, as well as some datasets within articles, have their own unique Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Every object with a DOI can be cited, so it is possible to reference a specific version of an article, a specific peer review report, or a dataset associated with an article.
Double-Blind Review
The process of reviewing a script where a writer and two reviewers do not know each other and are familiar with the aim to be more objective.
The process of preparing an academic or research manuscript for publication in a journal, by correcting the mistakes, improving the flow of the text, and offering suggestions to the author.
Editorial board member responsible: selecting incoming manuscripts; determine the appropriate section editor to handle incoming scripts; make an issue; determine whether a manuscript is suitable for publication; determine the manuscript publishing schedule; the editor is the highest role in the publishing process. The editor can perform all functions of other roles.
Journals published in electronic form, in the process of sending manuscripts (submissions), editing, reviewing (publishing) until publishing (publish) all recorded in the system and application.
Free access journal
The online availability of scholarly work via the internet, free of charge to individuals who wish to access and read it.
Grammar checker
A tool/application for checking the level of correctness of English structures.
An index that aims to measure the research productivity and impact of a scientist or scholar, based on the set of the scientist’s or scholar’s most cited papers and the number of citations that they have received in other publications.
Impact factor
A measure that attempts to represent the relative importance of a journal within a field based on the average number of citations to recent articles published in the journal; journals with higher impact factors are deemed to be more important than those with lower ones.
An acronym for Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion—the widely recommended manuscript structure for original research articles.
The process of gathering words or sentences on a web page by Googlebot has been crawled before. In the process, this content is used by Google as a search source and then displayed as search results based on the keywords that we are looking for.
Journal database
A place to integrate scientific journals.
A collection of articles published periodically. A journal may cover a specific topic or be more general in scope, and maybe scholarly/academic, peer-reviewed, general interest, or written for an interest group. Journals are found either by title or through databases.
Literature review
An account or discussion of what has been published in scholarly journals on a given topic, including substantive findings and theoretical and methodological contributions to the topic; sometimes includes a new interpretation of old material or combines new with old interpretations.
Manuscript template
A set of guidelines, describing how authors should prepare their manuscripts for submission with regard to aspects such as heading styles, references, titles, tables, figures, etc.
A scientific article prepared to be submitted to a journal.
Data that describes other data. For items in open access repositories, this usually consists of a full bibliographic reference, abstract, keywords, and similar information.
Most downloaded article
Articles that the most downloaded readers in a certain period of time.
The novelty or findings of a study. Research is said to be good if it finds elements of new findings so that they can contribute both to science and to life.
Online Submission
The process of submitting an online manuscript carried out by the author/person in charge of the manuscript.
Open access journal
Knowledge is open if there are people who are free to access, use, modify, and share it. You can access articles about the differences between free access journals and open access journals in here.
Peer review
The process by which a journal gets scholarly work, evaluated by experts from the same field in order to ensure that the work meets the necessary standards before it is published or accepted by the journal.
An expert in a given field, who is qualified, competent, and able to perform an impartial peer review of a given manuscript.
Plagiarism checker
Tool or application to check the level of plagiarism.
The act of copying the words, thoughts, or ideas of another author and using it in one’s own work, without citing or crediting the original author.
Principal Editor
Chief Editor of a scientific journal.
Editing service to correct errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, and consistency.
Publication ethics
A set of principles and practices that are followed to ensure that the publication of scholarly research is conducted with integrity and without any misconduct.
A decision on the review of a manuscript, in which the manuscript is rejected for publication.
Rejection rate
The number of manuscripts rejected compared to the total number of manuscripts submitted to the journal in a certain time (generally in one year).
Research gap
The knowledge gap between what should and already exists as reported by researchers.
Research paper
A scholarly or scientific paper written to compile the findings of a study and published in a journal within a specific academic discipline.
Research question
The main question (or hypothesis) that a researcher seeks to address, which will then define the specific objectives that the study will address.
Research set-up
Research equipment arranged in such a way is incense for data collection or testing.
The process of submitting a manuscript to the same journal for the second time after it has been revised as per the instructions of the journal or the journal’s peer reviewers, or of submitting a manuscript to a different journal after it has been rejected by the first journal.
A journal’s disavowal of a paper that has it has published in one of its earlier issues, typically done when the findings in the paper are no longer considered trustworthy due to scientific misconduct or error, when the paper is found to have plagiarized previously published work, or when the paper is found to have violated ethical guidelines.
Reviewer comments
Opinions, advisory comments, and suggestions offered by peer reviewers to the author(s) of the manuscript under review.
Search Engine
An application/computer program designed to search for files stored in www, FTP services, mailing list publications, or newsgroups in a server or a number of server computers on a network.
Sinta (Science and Technology Index)
A portal that contains measurements of the performance of Science and Technology which includes among others the performance of researchers, writers, authors, journal performance, and the performance of science and technology institutions developed by the Ministry of Research and Technology, Republic of Indonesia. To find out the AE ranking at Sinta, you can click on this link.
State of the art
The highest achievement of a development process (can be a device, procedure, process, technique, or science).
The process of converting words from one language to another.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL), is a series of characters according to a certain standard format, which is used to indicate the address of a source such as documents and images on the Internet.
1. Journals & Periodicals: Identifying Scholarly Sources
2. Editage Academic and Research Glossary
3. Glossary of open access terms
4. Teknik Menyusun Manuskrip dan Publikasi Internasional.