Review Hadith: Regarding the Legitimacy of Ablution for Women Active Users of Waterproof Cosmetics


  • Isnaini Lu'lu' Atim Muthoharoh Universitas Islam Negeri Sunan Ampel Surabaya

Cosmetics, Ablution, Validity, Hadith

The rise of cosmetics labeled as halal among women has sparked the birth of several new problems. Because there are many types of cosmetics, there are cosmetics with waterproof types that can prevent water from entering human skin. The purpose of this study is first, to review the validity of ablution for active users of waterproof cosmetics by using hadith as a reference source, secondly to determine the impact of using waterproof cosmetics, as well as solutions for Muslim women to look beautiful without eliminating the perfection of ablution practice as a condition for the validity of prayer. This qualitative descriptive research uses historical and linguistic approaches to reveal the proportional content of a hadith. The results of this study indicate that the meaning of the primary hadith contains a warning and punishment from hell for someone negligent in performing ablution. Someone's prayer is in vain because water-resistant ablution cosmetics indicate the presence of chemicals that can block water from entering the skin. In addition, ablution is the primary solution for women to look naturally beautiful without doubting the validity and risk of skin disease due to prolonged use of cosmetics.





How to Cite

Review Hadith: Regarding the Legitimacy of Ablution for Women Active Users of Waterproof Cosmetics. (2023). An-Nisa Journal of Gender Studies, 16(1), 11-24.