The Relevance of Raden Ajeng Kartini and Rahma El Yunusiah's Thoughts on Islamic Education for Women with Islamic Education in Indonesia
DOI: in Islam have a high position and dignity. Raden Ajeng Kartini and Rahma El Yunusiah are two generations of female fighters who have inspired and played a role in fighting for Islamic education for women. Therefore the author wants to examine his thoughts from the perspective of Islamic education for women. The research approach used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach and the type of research used Library research, by method Content Analysis. Based on data analysis, it can be concluded that Islamic education for women according to Kartini and Rahma El Yunusiah is aqidah education and moral education. Both of his thoughts also have relevance to Islamic education today, including human beings as the goal of education, the principle of equality as a basic concept and education that is just and without discrimination which has relevance to the current national education system. They have differences in family background, region of origin and nuances of education, but they have the same ideals, namely proper education for women. This explains that her thoughts on Islamic education for women have not been eroded by the times and we still apply them today.
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