Dynamics of Gender Equality: Analysis of the Practice of Taklik Talak in Morocco and Indonesia from the Perspective of Legal Sociology
https://doi.org/10.35719/annisa.v17i2.280The practice of talk plays a crucial role in protecting the rights of wives in Islamic marriages in Indonesia and Morocco, allowing them to complain to the courts in case of a breach of the agreement by the husband. Despite its protective purpose, talk implementation is heavily influenced by both countries' social, cultural, and local policy contexts. This study uses qualitative descriptive, analytical, and comparative methodologies to understand talk implementation, collecting data from Islamic legal texts and legislation. Content analysis is used to explore the influence of cultural and legal factors on the practice and its impact on women's rights. The results show a complex dynamic between religious norms and aspirations for gender equality, as seen in the contradiction between contractual terms prohibiting polygamy and the teachings of the Qur'an. This underscores the need for education, discussion, and legal revision to create a more inclusive and equitable practice of Islamic law. The comparative study of practices in Morocco and Indonesia highlights differences in implementing Islamic legal principles related to gender equality; Morocco has the Moudawana reforms that control polygamy, while Indonesia adopts an approach that supports legal pluralism without significant legislative changes. Recommendations from this study include developing a more inclusive curriculum, organizing discussion forums, conducting broader comparative studies, and reforming legal policies to support gender equality.
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