Women in Leadership: Exploring Potential and Challenges in the Islamic Context
https://doi.org/10.35719/annisa.v17i1.234Women's leadership role has increasingly garnered attention in various global contexts. More Muslim women are actively seeking leadership roles across diverse fields. However, they face challenges related to traditional perceptions and gender stereotypes. This research aims to delve deeper into factors such as religious knowledge, emotional intelligence, and experiences of Muslim women in navigating challenges within the context of Islamic leadership. The study employs a mixed-methods approach. Data collection involves interviews and surveys. Qualitative data from interviews are analyzed using thematic text analysis, while quantitative data from surveys are processed using statistical software and descriptive statistical analysis. The research reveals several significant findings concerning the potential, challenges, and aspirations of Muslim women in leadership. Out of 127 respondents, 63% expressed strong confidence in the leadership qualities of Muslim women. Religious knowledge, emotional intelligence, and multitasking abilities are identified as primary strengths supporting them in leadership roles. However, 47% of respondents perceive barriers stemming from traditional interpretations of religious teachings that limit women's roles. Additionally, 56% of respondents express positive hopes regarding the development of women's roles in Islamic leadership in the future. These findings highlight the substantial potential of Muslim women in leadership while also indicating challenges that need to be addressed to maximize their roles.
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