Gender Approach in Islamic Family Law
DOI: article deals with gender perspectives in Islamic family law. Nowadays related to gender talk is familiar to hear, even gender inequality has occurred a lot. People assume that gender dimilarity can cause various forms of inequality, such as the unimportance of roles related to political policies, women are only in the three R's, namely kitchen, well, mattress. This paper seeks to discuss the gender approach in Islamic family law from the aspects of reproduction, inheritance and iddah/ihdad. The author concludes that socio-historically the Qur'an was revealed in a culture that was very discriminatory against women, this is a patriarchal phenomenon that occurred in the old ignorant era. Currently, gender injustice has transformed from the ignorant era to the Islamic era, that women have obtained their rights as women, where in the past women were only underestimated and patriarchal culture reigned.
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