Management of Dual-Carer Couples in Maintaining Family Resilience and Harmony in Islamic Perspective
DOI: phenomenon of dual-career couples has become a trend in the Modern family life. There is a shift in dual-career couple's household life pattern where they work and have other activities outside the home. It is certainly being faced with problems in family such as work-family conflicts if they cannot balance work and family problems. This study examines how the management of the dual-career couple in maintaining family resilience and harmony in Islamic Perspective. This research is qualitative approach with type of library research. Data obtained from several scientific papers and literature then analyzed with family concept theory in Islam. The results showed that there are several principles, including: dual-career couples must divide their time in conducting work and household obligations such as caring for children, washing or drying clothes, cooking, cleaning and tidying the house, keep the limits determined by Allah SWT., must be willing to each other, must be feasibility, must be sincere, try to create a good atmosphere, deliberation, and peace. Family relations must be maintained in fulfilling their obligations to obtaining their rights. Of course, the family harmonization could be realized, there must be a shared commitment in the family vision.
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