Between Transgender And Hobbies: Study of Crossdresser Phenomenon on Facebook Social Media Platform
DOI: This research highlights the important role of Islamic teachings and traditional gender norms in shaping views on gender in Indonesia, which contribute to significant gender disparities in various aspects of life such as education, political participation, access to decent work, and control over economic resources. The phenomenon of gender transition or "Transgender" is a frequent focus of debate in society, while traditional gender norms are still strong in Indonesia. The purpose of this study is to understand the phenomenon of crossdressers as part of a natural and complex spectrum of gender identities and to reduce stigma and discrimination against individuals who practice crossdressing. Using descriptive qualitative methods and a comprehensive scientific approach, this research involves observation, documentation, and interviews as data collection techniques. Primary data is obtained from analyzing the content created by several crossdresser accounts on the Facebook social media platform, as well as the results of interviews with the account owners, while secondary data is obtained from relevant literature and references. The results of this study provide a deeper understanding of the phenomenon of crossdressing, the factors that influence crossdressing behavior, as well as society's views on crossdressers. The implication is that it makes an important contribution to promoting gender equality and human rights for all individuals, as well as demonstrating the importance of continuing to conduct research and open discussions on gender issues to achieve a more inclusive and just society for all individuals.
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