Desain Kurikulum dalam Menstimulasi Mental Emosional dan Sosial Anak; RA Perwanida 18 Tutul Balung Jember
Education is a conscious and deliberate effort to create an atmosphere of learning and the learning process, so that the learners are actively developing their potential to have the spiritual strength of religious, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills needed in the society and the nation. The research focus of this studuy discusses the extent of the curriculum planning at the kindergarten of RA Perwanida 18 Tutul Balung Jember, what form of the curriculum, how is the implementation of the curriculum in kindergarten of RA Perwanida 18 Tutul Balung Jember, and how to evaluate the curriculum in kindergarten of RA Perwanida 18 Tutul Balung Jemberin stimulating the children emotional in their further education. This study uses the qualitative research methods; including observation, interview, and documentation, whiles the checking of the data validity uses the triangulation. The data obtained will be analyzed using descriptive analysis by interpreting the data, describing the data, classify the data, and then precede them by interpreting the meaning of the data results related to the research focus.
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