Reinterpreting Gender in the Qur'an: Realizing Inclusive Interpretation in the Modern Era
DOI: study aims to analyze various forms of gender discrimination in interpreting the Qur'an and explore the opportunities and challenges in reconstructing a more inclusive interpretation in the modern era. This study uses gender hermeneutics to uncover gender bias in traditional interpretations of the Qur'an through the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method. This study identifies patriarchal bias by selecting and analyzing relevant literature. The analysis process involves critically evaluating biased classical interpretations compared to more inclusive contemporary interpretations, using a thematic approach to understand gender discrimination in the text. The research findings indicate that efforts to realize an inclusive interpretation of the Qur'an require a multidimensional approach that includes critical analysis of patriarchal bias in traditional interpretations, empowerment of women in religious discourse, and adoption of contextual hermeneutics that consider historical and social aspects. Social change, educational progress, and digital technology provide great opportunities to reconstruct a more gender-just interpretation. Initiatives such as including women in interpretation, gender-based educational reform, and advocacy through digital platforms can open up space for more progressive discussions. International collaboration through conferences and seminars further strengthens this movement, allowing for exchanging ideas across countries to create interpretations that support gender equality. With this combination of strategies, Qur'anic interpretation can reflect principles of justice that align with modern social dynamics, significantly contributing to more just and inclusive social change.
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