Gender Faces In The Textbook Of Al-Arabiyah Li Al-Nasyi’in (Critical Discourse Analysis Study)
DOI: polemic of gender equality and justice in its status and role in society is one of the studies that is often echoed to this day. Polemics over gender equality can be found in various fields, one of which is in the field of education, especially in the learning media, namely textbooks. The purpose of this study is to describe how the discourse or text in the book al-Arabiyah li al-Nasyi'in Volume 2 by Mahmud Ismail Shini reflects the construction and division of gender roles performed by women and men, as well as the impact on readers' understanding of gender roles based on the subject-object position and the position of the author-reader of Sara Mills' theory in the textbook. The data of this research are texts that contain gender perspectives from the textbook al-Arabiyah li al-Nasyi'in Volume 2. The method used in this research is library research. The results of this study are the form of gender bias in the subject-object position is subordination and stereotyping of women, and the form of gender bias in the position of the author-reader is indirect addressing done by means of cultural codes, and direct by using third-person singular pronouns.
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