Feminism as a Trigger for Change in the Dynamics of Danjyo Kankei and the Unmarried Trend in Japan
https://doi.org/10.35719/annisa.v17i2.306The patriarchal culture that develops in Japanese society can be seen from the smallest or basic scope, namely the family, all decisions in the family are made by men as the head of the family who must be obeyed so that the things that women have to do will depend on men. Although the unmarried trend focuses more on women, many Japanese men also commit this act. The formulation of the problem in this research is how the incoming feminism can change the dynamics of Danjyo Kankei and trigger the unmarried trend in Japan. The method used in this research is qualitative and the data sources used are primary and secondary. The theories and concepts used are Feminism and Danjyo Kankei. The purpose of this research is to analyze how the process of the entry of feminism then its influence and what impact the unmarried trend has on people's lives in Japan. The results of our research show that feminism can change the dynamics of Danjyo Kankei and become one of the triggers for the rise of the unmarried trend in Japan.
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