Gender Problems in Indonesia: The Phenomenon of Gamophobia in a Permissive Society


  • Khamdan Safiudin Universitas PGRI Wiranegara



Gamophobia, Permissive culture, Gender dynamics


The global discourse on sex recession has intensified, with a noticeable trend towards singlehood among individuals. United Nations data indicates a significant 1% decline in global population, underscoring this shift. Shocking statistics reveal that 64.65% of millennials opt to remain unmarried, avoiding marital commitment. This article explores gamophobia as a social pathology in permissive marriage cultures. In permissive contexts, the term "permissive" signifies a trend towards legalizing actions based on personal rights and freedom. The article investigates various causes of gamophobia and argues that marriage should not be feared or excessively debated in terms of gender dynamics. Additionally, it provides a gendered perspective on gamophobia and proposes solutions based on the author's insights. Using a literature review approach, this study comprehensively examines gamophobia in permissive societies, drawing from diverse scholarly sources to explore its complexities within gender frameworks and societal norms. Gamophobia in permissive societies manifests as a complex issue where individuals experience fear and avoidance towards committed marital relationships. This phenomenon not only poses psychological challenges but also mirrors broader gender dynamics, social constructs, and cultural norms that shape perceptions and responses to marriage. Addressing gamophobia's detrimental effects requires a holistic approach involving government bodies, educational institutions, civil society, and individuals. The article advocates for comprehensive preventive measures and interventions, including the author's suggestion to reevaluate pre-family constructs for societal benefit. In conclusion, this article contributes to understanding gamophobia within permissive societies, stressing the necessity of a multifaceted approach to effectively address its implications and foster healthier attitudes towards marriage and commitment.


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How to Cite

Safiudin, K. (2024). Gender Problems in Indonesia: The Phenomenon of Gamophobia in a Permissive Society. An-Nisa Journal of Gender Studies, 17(1), 56–65.