The Dilemma of Iranian Women: From Position to Rights Restrictions
DOI:'s 1989 constitution expressly states that the state guarantees equal protection for the rights of its citizens (both male and female) before the law. Nevertheless, in practice, the policy products issued still show the patriarchal nature of Islam. As a result, the position of Iranian women is often at a disadvantage. On the other hand, the concept of universalism began campaigning by the United Nations to eliminate gender-based discrimination in various worlds, including Muslim countries. This article seeks to see the extent of the problems faced by Iranian women in realising equal rights following the mandate of the 1989 constitution and international human rights instruments. The method used is a qualitative method with a literature study. The findings in this article show that the struggle of Iranian women to promote civil rights as equal citizens often lead to arrest, intimidation, even the worst to the point of being killed by state security forces, as experienced by Mahsa Amini.
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